Do you ever feel like your body has worsened over time? For example, has your body’s circulation become slower?

Most people have problems with tendons and muscles but simply ignore them. Over time, the muscles will become stiff, affecting blood and lymph circulation. If circulation is slow, the toxins that should have been excreted from the body will accumulate, and all aspects of the body will be affected. The lymphatic system is responsible for filtering waste, transporting excess water, waste, necrotic white blood cells, and pathogens back into the bloodstream, and expelling unwanted substances from the body. Some people have fat feet, this does not actually relate to obesity but rather it is edema, which is caused by poor circulation.

Of course, you can tackle a headache easily by tending to your head, tackle a sore foot by tending to your foot, and enrich your lungs if they are weak. In fact, the easiest way to improve the circulation of the body is to start with a massage and some Vitamin C.


  1. Find a suitable full-body massage therapist to stretch your muscles and tendons every 2-3 weeks. In doing this for half a year or so, your physical condition should improve. Afterwards, get a full body massage once a month or once every half a month in order to maintain this. Remember to drink warm or hot water after the massage to help detoxify.


  1. Remember to bring your own natural massage oil if you can, as massage therapists generally only use mineral oils because they are cheap. Yet, our bodies cannot absorb such mineral oils, meaning that it wouldn’t be beneficial to detoxification, and instead may result in blocked pores. Alternatively, try to find a professional aromatherapist to provide you with a tailor-made aromatherapy massage oil that is fit for your physical condition in order to help improve suboptimal health problems.


  1. Consume Vitamin C every day, the natural anti-inflammatory effect it provides help the body excrete daily toxins.


  1. The act of defecating daily is very important. If this does not happen naturally for you, check with your own eating habits. For example, are there enough vegetables in your diet? Vegetable fibres tend to help with intestinal movements. Also, are you consuming too many different types of meat in a meal at once? Having different meats appear in the stomach at the same time would affect the digestive process, making it difficult to digest food causing toxins.


  1. Inhaling natural pure essential oils is also a very direct and effective way to reduce fatigue and lift your mood. You can ask your professional aromatherapist to create a tailor-made formula suitable for you. Lanuwa’s 100% pure essential oil inhalers can help relaxation, better sleep, digestion, vitality, and memory enhancement.

Related products:

Lanuwa Pure Essential Oil Inhaler Set (No.10-15)

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Original price was: £36.Current price is: £25.
Original price was: £36.Current price is: £25.
Original price was: £36.Current price is: £25.